Underground Publishers and distributors

The media that disseminated the knowledge culture of the zine scene extended beyond self-published periodicals and little magazines.  Within the zine scene, a small number of outlaw publishing houses and media distribution catalogued thrived. From "how-to" guides on making opium, faking your own death, and counterfeiting money to Libertarian classics like How to Start Your Own Country (1983) and Basement Nukes (1984), these printers were the purveyors of dangerous knowledge from the 1980s-1990s. These publishers dared to print books that violated every conceivable taboo, and, considering the harassment they suffered at the hands of the U.S. government, proved that U.S. citizens were no where near as "free" as they liked to consider themselves in regards to the First Amendment. Also, it bears mention, that these were also the publishers brought the locus classicus of Discordianism, the Principia Discordia, into print. 




                                  Illuminet Press

                                  Illuminet Press

                                    Feral House

                                    Feral House





                                  Rip Off Press

                                  Rip Off Press


                                                                                                                           Neither/Nor Press